Confessions of a Movie Slut

in the year 2006, our heroine embarks on her most treacherous challenge yet-to lead a decent life despite the insanity and pressures that come with academia. she pursues honours in english though her thesis is on film. an opportunity to prove to herself that she can think. and actually think hard. will she finally transcend the ways of the fuckwit to become a competent person? will she be able to watch all those movies without growing a tumour or becoming catatonic? stay tuned.

Sunday, March 31, 2002

Books, notes, texts, extra reading, I'm up to my eyeballs in revision...I need a vacation!!! To all those out there slogging away for upcoming examinations, good luck! And more and more cool movies are hitting town...damnations, I tell ya. DAMNATIONS!!!

Haven't been updating a lot. Busy, busy, busy...promise to come back with a vengeance really soon, reviews and all. =p Maybe a tirade or two. Heh.


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