Confessions of a Movie Slut

in the year 2006, our heroine embarks on her most treacherous challenge yet-to lead a decent life despite the insanity and pressures that come with academia. she pursues honours in english though her thesis is on film. an opportunity to prove to herself that she can think. and actually think hard. will she finally transcend the ways of the fuckwit to become a competent person? will she be able to watch all those movies without growing a tumour or becoming catatonic? stay tuned.

Sunday, December 28, 2003

I'm back and I've got a little something for all the Net creeps out there.

yesh, i'm aware that I've been away for ages. and i'm more than aware that practically no one reads my blog anymore. i would like to take this opportunity to address my non-existent audience and those who've somehow stumbled across this tiny oasis amidst the oceanic www. life has definitely called for my attention all the while and i would love to return to my little space of self-expression here. so let's begin shall we... too bad this first posting in a long time is going to be a bitching tirade.

net creeps... where the hell do these people come from? i was surfing around last night minding my own business when this 'person' (i grudingly call him that) greeted me over the icq. so where's the harm right? we chatted for a bit. he turned out to be a graduate of finance and econs and hence, somehow found the right to talk to me in a condescending manner and even insult me. i don't take these things lying down and so i launched my own insult. thinking it was all the result of trivial miscommunication, i actually had it in me to apologise to him for that insult hoping we get off the wrong foot. but no... the asshole accepted the apology and insulted me again! told him to buzz off but he still persisted to bother me. anywayz, it ended with more heated exchanges and him certifying and confirming about how big of an asshole he is and a fucking retard at that. yeap, i am that pissed... i really shouldn't be wasting my energy on this but what can i say... i'm bored.

so a message to all the net creeps out there, like this guy i'm talking about, refrain from spreading your bullshit and try not chatting up other people over the net, you're wasting everyone's time.

anyhoo, hope everyone's doing a-ok. i'm glad to be back in sg and hoovering all the movies i can get my hands on. the first year in perth has been pretty amazing. lots of blood, sweat and tears... but greater revelations abound.

these are the movies i'm currently hyping over. return of the king blew me away, but that's the fangirl in me talking. i haven't even decided which are the best movies i caught in 2003... hmmm..

peter pan caught my attention since i heard about the project about a year ago. it was all just production notes and pictures then but the design and cinematography held a lot of promise. hope it turns out as good as it looks. and i love that coldplay's clocks is playing in the background.

Peter Pan Trailer
Peter Pan Official Website

ack!!! this trailer was first released during my exam period back in perth and what incredible timing! total stress relief... =)

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban trailer