Confessions of a Movie Slut

in the year 2006, our heroine embarks on her most treacherous challenge yet-to lead a decent life despite the insanity and pressures that come with academia. she pursues honours in english though her thesis is on film. an opportunity to prove to herself that she can think. and actually think hard. will she finally transcend the ways of the fuckwit to become a competent person? will she be able to watch all those movies without growing a tumour or becoming catatonic? stay tuned.

Monday, February 13, 2006

the day of good omens.

be forewarned that this post will contain a high level of fluff. wish it were snuff instead but what can ya do? many great things have come to pass recently and 2006 is shaping up to be a potentially good year not just for me but for a number of friends who've been with me through thick and thin. misery may love company but happiness sure as hell is nice to share too. thursday was the day xiang, deena and i came together to celebrate our friendship at the balcony but the evening soon turned out to be a cause for greater jubilation. barring the administrative drama, i managed to get into the honours programme in english literature. deena got a fantastic job offer with hp. and possibly the most exciting news yet... jo got nominated for her performance in flush for best actress in the life theatre awards! u have no idea how proud i am of you gal. i never doubted your talent... this means that more people will come to know of the great things that you can do. i was deliriously happy to get that phone call from you! on the same day... rainbows were spotted and on our way to the theatre, we got to see fire works booming and blooming in the night sky.

call me superstitous but i believe in good omens as much as bad ones. yeap, go ahead and laugh all you want. i believe that sometimes these things are little hints of a greater plan at work, be it good or bad. as much as i knew for certain that there will always be more shit to hit the fan in time to come, as jaded and bitter as i remained still.. there was nothing that could have stolen the beauty that permeated throughout the evening. in my experience, days are rarely perfect so i settle for perfect moments instead. heartily. everything that was good and true seemed to have been encapsulated by that one nanosecond in time when colours and light splayed like supernovas in a black space. we were running low on hope not too long ago. but things have a way of turning out and we feel like we've been filled once again. ready to take on the world.

film fests galore!

i may be missing out on celluloid fringe this year. but i will still be around to devour the nordic film festival held at gv plaza sing. xiang and i got our tickets for hawaii oslo and cold light. and i'll returning to the fest the next day for someone like hodder. i am mildly disappointed that manderlay isn't on the list of films this year when i caught dogville at the fest two years ago. so anyone who's interested do check it out... and check out celluloid fringe as well if you have the passion and the opportunity.

i may be missing out on belgium's dardenne brothers focus at the celluloid fringe but i will return to perth in time for
the french film festival there which has quite an impressive list of contemporary french fare. one of them being l'enfant by the dardenne brothers which i've been dying to catch... winner of the palme d'or at last year's canne's film festival. also being screened is le temps qui reste, the latest from francois ozon. so i've got my eyeballs plastered on these two. friends who are returning to perth this year, might wanna check it out.

jeremie renier and deborah francois in l'enfant.


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