Confessions of a Movie Slut

in the year 2006, our heroine embarks on her most treacherous challenge yet-to lead a decent life despite the insanity and pressures that come with academia. she pursues honours in english though her thesis is on film. an opportunity to prove to herself that she can think. and actually think hard. will she finally transcend the ways of the fuckwit to become a competent person? will she be able to watch all those movies without growing a tumour or becoming catatonic? stay tuned.

Monday, January 26, 2004

Rainy Days and Mondays (technically...wrapped this up a few mins after midnight)

the chinese new year weekend's over... and it's all back to school or the office. well, except for me who's officially still on vacation. bwahahaha! *cough* how the minutes of total freedom pass in an utter rush. don't worry folks, it'll be my turn soon enough. march isn't that far off anymore.

so how did the day go... lemme see... i can't help but feel that today was filled with stories. i was pretty much immersed in one tale or another hour after hour. well, in the morning there was the golden globe awards and for those 4 hours, i lived vicariously through the lives of many actors and even thought of what might be a good acceptance speech. film award shows are an important staple in my diet. i watch an award ceremony like how my dad watches football. laughing aloud at jim carey's or robin william's ridiculous presentations, cheering when the film or actors i'm rooting for bag awards and jeering passionately when a film which i feel is underserved to win, does.

the fangirl in yours truly did three cartwheels and and a handstand split when return of the king nabbed best film(drama) and best director for peter jackson. but i guess i wouldn't know for sure which movies and which directors really deserved those awards until i watched all the other nominees. i felt it was a tough call for both categories since they were filled with exceptional talents from the industry. congrats to sofia coppola whom i feel is one of the best women film directors out there!!(not a particularly impressive actor though but everyone seems to be forgetting that unfortunate stint in her dad's film) can't wait to catch lost in translation. isn't charlize theron just gorgeous??? i caught the trailer for monster and a couple of snippets, and it looks promising. is it just me or did the award ceremony seemed cold to you too? where is the LOVE, people???

wow!! check out anne hathaway! how come the cameras didn't glue on to her earlier today? she looks great!

read volume 2 in the sandman library series entitled the doll's house and it's getting better and better. one of the most interesting parts of the tale is when he finds himself attending a serial killers' convention. i mean how depraved is that? good piece of storytelling i tell ya... and it is one heck of a compelling plot.

back to the boob tube cuz seriously, there's just that much reading which can be done in a day. =p i gotta admit that i've been in a pretty romantic mood lately. i don't relate to the kind of in-your-face cornball, overwhelmingly cheesy cinematic kitsch that is usually and shamelessly exploited in romantic comedy gumbo. well not usually anyway but i did discover two romantic films that i thoroughly enjoy from last year: love, actually and love me if you dare. the former a rather predictable but rich and sensitive portrayal of love. plus who could forget the hotter than hot rodrigo santoro (karl!!*screams*), hugh grant boogeying or some crazy christmas version of 'love is all around'? while the latter, a spunky and off-beat approach to the same matter with a rather dark conclusion.

this nagging sweetness seemed to have followed me into the new year... like that strong lavender candy after taste, alternating between being quite nice and utterly nauseating. well anyway, i watched the princess diaries on the disney channel and found that i quite like it despite hating it with a passion when i first caught it in the cinema some years ago. after that i switched to star movies and greedily indulged in another unhealthy serving of bridget jone's diary when i already had a piece of that just a few weeks ago. the part when mark darcy and daniel cleaver, two prissy englishmen, engaged in a fist fight is hilarious!! i guess, sometimes we all need that bit of the happy fairytale (no matter how annoyingly obvious and implausable they come across sometimes) to counter the harsh brutality of realism before it poisons us whole.

speaking of bridget jone's diary... renee zellwegger looked very prosperous during the golden globes earlier today! bridget jone's diary the sequel must be in full swing shoots right about now! wohooo! more lovey-dovey mush!! more more MORE!!!

*cough cough*

anybody watched american idol 3 last thursday? simon touted this season as the "season of delusion". and i agree... well, there have been loads of deluded people in the last few seasons but u'd think that folks would figure out by now the kind of talents they're looking for. and honestly... how in hell can these people be so blinded to their total lack of talent... basic singing ability even. and i do feel that simon's remarks can be unnecessarily brutal sometimes but he does have a job which involves giving contestants reality checks. and people who can't handle flak well would probably have great difficulty handling that kind of a career.

i'm so looking forward to survivor all-stars. long live trash on tv!!


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