Confessions of a Movie Slut

in the year 2006, our heroine embarks on her most treacherous challenge yet-to lead a decent life despite the insanity and pressures that come with academia. she pursues honours in english though her thesis is on film. an opportunity to prove to herself that she can think. and actually think hard. will she finally transcend the ways of the fuckwit to become a competent person? will she be able to watch all those movies without growing a tumour or becoming catatonic? stay tuned.

Thursday, January 29, 2004

So Much Trash, So Little Time.

i had a nice substancial blog all planned and penned yesterday about the oscar nominations and had intended to publish it today when i flipped through today's life and found a whole page dedicated to them and figured that u guys would probably have more than enough of that. so i won't talk about it... much. =p except for that fact that i'm appalled that anthony minghella is being left out of the best directing category, surprised that nicole kidman was excluded from the best actress in a leading role category, glad that russell crowe wasn't nominated at all and smug that the academy is leaning toward world cinema with the inclusion of more international talents. they're always going with what's hot at the moment... remember their indie craze back in '96 when indie cinema was becoming more prominent? bah! and dogville's m.i.a for obvious reasons... in fact, i'd be impressed if they even acknowledged that dogville existed.

i watched love the hard way yesterday which was the movie that made ady fall in love with adrien brody. the vcd was courtesy of her as well but it was heavily censored and thus, it got a little annoying. so jack (adrien brody) is a petty thief who romances claire, a straight-laced but relatively naive university student. the movie chronicles the trials and tribulations of their trying to fit into each other's world with some disastrous effects. the film's an interesting watch and while it's not one of the greatest out there, it nonetheless, escapes mediocrity. adrien brody's quite a joy to watch as a pimp with the swagger and the nyc street accent which is 180 degrees from wladyslaw szpilman. the movie got me thinking about a question a friend once asked me and owing to him being of the male persuasion and hence having a big enough curiosity to ponder... why do girls tend to fall for the bad boys? and i said that not all girls do that and in fact, many whom i do know actually prefer to start relationships with the good boys. trust us, people... we're lookin' for a few good men ;)

i caught 21 grams this morning with ady. a freak (car) accident brings 3 strangers together forever altering their lives. sounds simple yeah... but like a lot of movies out there trying to make a statement, it didn't unfold in a chronological order. it didn't go backwards like memento and irreversible- in fact, it was a piece that exploited the devices of prolepsis and analepsis which resulted in a rather disjointed narrative. it's not very difficult to keep track of the plot and one will definitely understand it in the end but it might not appeal to everyone. i wasn't prepared for that but ady was. and i was prepared for it to be quite slow paced and revolving around one main incident while ady wasn't. we should've just exchanged notes before we watched the movie and prepared ourselves fully! =p having plots that don't follow the conventional chronological sequence is rather unique but now, it seems like every movie wants to be part of that and consequently, it's becoming one of those devices that's just overused, abused and mishandled. as a result, 21 grams, while being quite poignant at times, is rather clumsily made.

and they're still checking my i.c!! what's up people?? they've stopped for a while and now they're back at it again! doesn't beat the time i was stopped before going in for an nc-16 movie though...

all those who're near and dear to me or those with whom i talk to quite a bit, will know how i condemn brad pitt to heck and boycott his exploits after he abandoned and shafted darren aronofsky's (then) lastest project, the fountain. because of that, the fountain was kicked all the way back to development hell as studio execs at warner bros weren't confident to continue with the project without a big-name like brad pitt upon whom they were depending on to draw in the crowd. so it looked, pretty much, like the fountain wasn't ever going to get made. i'm a huge fan of darren aronofsky's previous movie, requiem for a dream, and was eargerly awaiting the start of the shoot when the imbecille decided to pull out the last minute to work on troy(which looks like a whole lot of humbug...except for orlando bloom =p). yes, yes i know it happened way back in 2002 but i'm still sore, can?? but i stumbled upon the strangest piece of news recently. word is out that ellen burstyn(who's one of the original cast members of the fountain) mentioned that she is, in fact, slated to start filming aronofsky's the fountain this fall! since when have the heathen gods at warner greenlighted the project? is this news true? or do i smell a media rat? or is ellen burstyn (turning 74 this year) just going senile? and if it is indeed true, why wasn't a word even uttered before this? huh?? WHY?? *hysterical*

chronic liar or media victim?

anybody watched american idol last night? i tell ya... if i were one of the judges, i'd get completely frustrated as well. i still maintain my amazement... how do these people who have zero talent actually believe wholeheartedly that they are the next american idol? remember those two contestants who just wouldn't stop singing... the woman who did that celine dion song creepily with thunder booming in the background and that hispanic looking man who sang to an emptied judge's table? and that chick (with the restless bootie) who actually took up simon's bet to perform in a mall and try to return with 10 people who might like her singing... which of course she didn't succeed in the end. yikes! i admire that one has the utmost faith in oneself but seriously, you need to be in touch with reality too. this is beyond sad... it's actually getting quite scary.

another episode tonight! *she bangs! she bangs!* will be performing tonight ;) and after that at 11pm there's door to door which is this awesome movie that swept awards at last year's emmy's. if you like william h. macy and you have hbo on cable, tune in man!!

4 more days till survivor all-star!! woohoo! i've discussed with some friends... namely eileen and ady and we agreed that although richard is the original weasel king who could probably screw everyone in the arse, they would be overtly aware of that fact and hence, it puts his neck on the chopping block. and since this season is touted as the one 'filled with evil', how come they didn't bring back jon "i-swear-on-my-grandmother's-grave" dalton (pearl islands)? and is it fair that tina, richard, jenna and ethan are given another chance at ANOTHER million dollars? i guess they're trying to bring together the best of everything... the champions, the physically strongest and the most canniving... will definitely be fun to watch!

An Update.
omg... american idol was hilarious...and it all but ended at midnight so i had to give door to door a miss. no matter, repeats on 2nd and 8th of feb. hands down william *she bangs! she bangs!* totally cracked me up but i kinda like the attitude (tried his best no regrets) even though he really had no business being there. but the person who really struck me as the king of fools was the dude who auditioned for american idol because he feels he's in desperate need of a girlfriend!! consider this scene (paraphrasing here cuz my memory ain't that good):
paula abdul: it says here you're auditioning because you badly want a girlfriend.
contestant: yeah, i really want one. that's not the whole reason but yeah i do hope this'll do it for me...
paula abdul: (speechless for a while) well.. i hope so too.
contestant: before i start, i'd like to make a shout out to all the people who believe in me.
judges: (a little stunned).....
contestant: cuz if not for those people, then you just come here for yourself.
judges: (same stunned look)....

i was laughing my arse off!! i was like, "whaaaaaaat?" i mean, seriously.. i was hoping he'd shut up cuz he was just stuffing both his feet into his mouth! and i wasn't very glad christa, or whatever her name was, the gal with the huge hawaiian spirit didn't make it thru!! her voice was actually pretty good and even better than some of the other people who managed to get through. and then some beautiful model with huge breats and a flat tummy, but a questionable voice, managed to get thru? there was so much bullshit, i needed a bloody shovel! *grumble*

anywayz, took a personality test which i thought was interesting.
You are Morpheus-
You are Morpheus, from "The Matrix." You
have strong faith in yourself and those around
you. A true leader, you are relentless in your

What Matrix Persona Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


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