Confessions of a Movie Slut

in the year 2006, our heroine embarks on her most treacherous challenge yet-to lead a decent life despite the insanity and pressures that come with academia. she pursues honours in english though her thesis is on film. an opportunity to prove to herself that she can think. and actually think hard. will she finally transcend the ways of the fuckwit to become a competent person? will she be able to watch all those movies without growing a tumour or becoming catatonic? stay tuned.

Monday, February 02, 2004

Survey, Anyone?

today i did the little i could to help my bestfriend, eileen, hand out and collect surveys that's necessary for her thesis. in the morning, her mum dropped us off at the tampines mrt station. fuelled by a rather banal sense of enthusiasm at getting to do something different from my usual mornings, i jumped into the matter at hand with gusto. however, the fire died down by lunch and afterwards, not even a spark was left. my stamina is rather pathetic and i can't help feeling that i didn't really give my all.

i received a mixture of responses today. some were very obliging and very pleasant and that comes as a surprise because i don't think many people are very enthusiastic about receiving survey forms on the street. but they smiled and completed them graciously. i appreciate that very much. some were nonchalant, muttering a "anything lor" after i asked them if they could help complete a survey form. some looked like they would rather chop off their right arms just so they could smack me with it but did them anyway. i think it's my bigger than big smile and big pleading eyes that did it. and others weren't in such a good mood and honestly replied that they're not in the mood or whatever but rejected the surveys rather civilly if not politely even.

when i got tired, i started thinking of all the things i could've done with the day like watch movies, go out with friends... y'know.. the usual loafing around i always do. but then i got to thinking that i have this rare experience with my bestfriend and as corny as that sounds, i'll remember the funny looks we exchanged when we happened to be at opposite ends of a place, signs of triumph whenever we managed to get someone to do the survey (usually a thumbs up, a cheeky grin, etc), how we snuck up on unsuspecting people and the stupid word game we played during one of our breaks which left us in stitches. ok people.. another uber corny moment coming up, so you have been warned.. i liked being there for her. in my opinion, that comes with the whole bestfriend package. so thanks for the day, eileen... and thanks for the free lunch!! hehehe.

my house is falling apart. a cabinet handle has broken off, and the doors are dangling from its hinges precariously, threatening to fall off completely. the fridge drips buckets a week, there're suspicious cracks on the walls and small weird patches on the ceiling in the dining room. the place and its things are more than a decade old and i think it's time to get some stuff replaced. you'd think i'm getting enough hints eh.

tina wesson got booted out!! i'm not really sure what to make of that, i'm pretty nuetral about her anyway. richard, richard, richard. still the same since borneo... liked how he witheld the fact that he could easily make fire. he's like the anti-thesis to rupert who exhibits his abilities as a conscientious worker. richard is a huge attention seeker i admit but i also feel he's one of the few who makes a huge front just to hide the details of his schemes. everybody knows richard is a rat, no use hiding that. aw heck, everyone's a rat... they wouldn't be there if they weren't. i like what lex of africa had to say about richard and his all-mighty attitude though: "he was a king among sheep. winning survivor (borneo) was like shooting fish in a barrel." wahahaha! i love the bitches.. i hope they won't get voted off anytime soon, they make it that much more entertaining... yes including richard, no matter how many times he drops his shorts. so what did y'all think of survivor all-stars ep. 1?

The Great Trailer Binge.
right so these are the trailers of just some of the films i'm really looking forward to this year. view at your own discretion and make sure you've got quicktime 6.

The Ladykillers- i'm a huge fan of the coen brothers. o brother! where art thou? is one of my all-time faves. the man who wasn't there was one of the best films i caught in 2002. fargo and raising arizona are classics. they're the kings of camp without being stupid. the ladykillers is about a group of bungling robbers who plan to clean out a showboat casino but keeps getting interrupted by the landlady of their rented rooms cum hideout. even if this movie wasn't directed by the coen brothers, i'd pay bucks just to see tom hanks in character!

Elephant- winner of the palme d'or of last year's canne's film festival. this is gus van sant's close and gritty study of teenage life, pain and violence inspired by the real-life events of the columbine shootings.

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow- this came out of nowhere for me and i was so glad it took me by surprise. i love metropolis, brazil and dark city and this film provides a similar 30s-inspired atmosphere with cool, snazzy, postmodern overtones. the cast is headed by jude law *faint*, gwenyth paltrow *eck* and anjelina jolie... with an eye-patch!!!

The Incredibles- the new Pixar movie!!! need i say more??? yeah? fine. it's about a dysfunctional family of superheros. hehehe.

Shrek 2- who didn't love the first one???

Kill Bill Vol. 2- err... who didn't love the first one???

Spiderman 2- do i need to repeat myself?

Osama- yes it's a film from afghanistan, yes it's revolves around the period when the taliban ruled. no, it's not about that notorious, uncatchable fella with a beard. it is in fact, about a girl who has to disguise as a boy in order to be able to work to support her family during the taliban's sovereign over the state. the plot's rather similar to baran but i caught the trailer last year and it looks very promising. i read about it in sight & sound and people had only glowing things to say about it. it also won best foreign language film in this year's golden globe awards so i guess that pretty much sums it up.

The Triplets of Bellville- another trailer i caught some time back. it's interesting to watch animated features from other countries and by other studios other than the juggernauts in america. this film has no dialogue, cool music and an interesting style of animation. About an orphan, raised by his grandmother, who trains to become a

The Passion of the Christ- very, very controversial, arguably one of the most talked-about films for a long time now since the beginning of the project. the dialogue of the entire film is in aramaic and latin, the lost languages of old. originally, mel gibson had intended that the film would not have any subtitles and i thought that's an unconventional and rather fascinating idea! but he did away with that after some test screenings and decided to stick with the subtitles. *sigh*

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban- i'm a potterhead, yes i am! but no quidditch??? and more importantly.. no oliver wood??? *wails* goblet of fire is greenlighted already, the famed trio returns and casting calls have already been made for characters padma patil, parvati patil and cho chang (the chick harry fancies). many fans proclaim that azkaban is the best novel so far but i beg to differ... personally, my fave is goblet of fire. well, i'm taken with anything potterish anyway. =p

Suicide Club- mui mui mui creepy!!!

all awesome images are courtesy of imdb.
Have a great week!
Fight Club!

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