Confessions of a Movie Slut

in the year 2006, our heroine embarks on her most treacherous challenge yet-to lead a decent life despite the insanity and pressures that come with academia. she pursues honours in english though her thesis is on film. an opportunity to prove to herself that she can think. and actually think hard. will she finally transcend the ways of the fuckwit to become a competent person? will she be able to watch all those movies without growing a tumour or becoming catatonic? stay tuned.

Thursday, April 18, 2002

Brain juice.....i need BRAIN JUICE!!! Just one of those days, man. Fighting a losing battle and wishing to be a lotus-eater right now. For those of you who aren't sure what a lotus-eater is, refer to Homer's The Odyssey. You'll get the drift. Yeah as Eileen mentioned, my hair's dyed. Burgundy base with blonde streaks. Funky eh? Normal people have their hair done after the exams, but it takes a special kinda dufus to do it right before the exams. =p Later dayz!

Thursday, April 11, 2002

Anybody who just wants to drop everything that they're doing(exam preparations, tedious work, exams mostly) and go for some paradise island getaway, raise your hands! Ok fine, maybe it's just me... =p Suddenly Survivor looks like a holiday, I find that I'm paying more attention to the 5 minute TCS 5 segments about stress control and I get spasms of totally freaking out...ok, so I always totally freak out but it's worse this time. Honest! I'm getting pimple breakouts and rashes, stomach aches and headaches. All symptoms that I've begun my annual cycle of pre-examination syndrome. Tell me, am I the worst there is or do the rest of you also feel kinda funky when exams attack?

No TV(or not as much anywayz), No movies, No bumming...3 of my all time favourite past times. Am getting withdrawal symptoms already! To think that The Practice, Boston Public, Dark Angel has ended its season, I'd get more time to concentrate on my studies but nooooo...besides Ally and Gilmore Gals, The X-Files, Ed, Friends, CSI and Alias are coming real soon. Argh! Why? Why, God, WHY??? The timing is just incredible....ok, ok, no more ranting...I still need to work through 3 tapes of recorded episodes during me down time. =p

Don't get me even started on movies. I never knew I can be so sacrificing... =p Anyhoo, I guess giving many a miss should be alright. After all we need to get our priorities straight yah? *bleah* Sheah riiight! Anywayz, the movies that I haveta delay and it's makin' me pull my hair out are Monster's Ball and *sob and sniffle* Panic Room. The latter's one of the films I've been following for since pre-production cuz David Fincher's next work was widely anticipated. I love, love David Fincher, Fight Club was awesome! Anywayz, didja guys know that Nicole Kidman was originally slated to play Jodie Foster's role? But the role is physically demanding and Kidman had been nursing a knee injury then so she had to drop out with the advice of her physicians. I like Foster but it would've been cool to watch Kidman in a role that's a departure from her usual artistic, dramatic ones. She would've looked good in a black tank top too. Oh well... anywayz, to get jazzed for this movie, watch the trailer or visit the official website.

Friday, April 05, 2002

TV Show Comeback!

Caught the teaser for the return of Ally McBeal and Gilmore Girls just now on TCS 5. Re-entering tv orbit this month on a Tuesday, can't remember the exact date. Yipee! About danged time!!! =)
The Official Gilmore Girls Website
The Official Ally McBeal Website

Wednesday, April 03, 2002

The formidable figure loomed before me. Its extravagant display of light and sound overwhelmed my senses. It was 9:15 on the Wednesday morning and I knew I've met my nemesis. The television was tuned to channel 60. HBO was airing Dick!!! Argh! A movie I had so wanted to watch for so long!!! And I got a paper due for 2:00 that very afternoon and more notes on Rossetti! Argh! It took all of my strength and resolve to turn the tv off.... it was like, like...when Luke Skywalker had to use the Force to get his lightsaber back when it was thrown out of his hand! *wail* Oh well, that's the least of my problems, my mum had actually cooked her famous chilli tomato macaroni for lunch which is my fav. Ah, thou foul carbo demons! Why dost thou plague mine lunch plate? Jeans never lie! Intuition, even defect weighing machines lie...but jeans don't lie!!! And mine feel tighter on me! Argh! Looks like it's back to diets for me...hmm..wonder if i should go with the protein one or the grapefruit one....

Ooooh, will be studying with Eileen later on today before catching a movie with dinner. Sounds like a date eh, Eileen? *wink*

Tuesday, April 02, 2002

Did nothing but stayed home and study. I could literally feel myself decaying mentally(which is ironic), emotionally and definitely physically. Ugh. I hope blogging helps, so here...


The first thing i noticed about this film is its huge and quite impressive cast with names like Gwyneth Paltrow, Anjelica Houston, Gene Hackman, Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Luke Wilson, Danny Glover and Bill Murray as the leads. Directed by Wes Anderson who shot to critical stardom with his previous acclaimed movie, Rushmore, the film is about a family of prodigies who are estranged since their youth and have decided to reunite when their eccentric and often insensitive father announces that he's terminally ill. Under the same roof again after years of seperation, father Royal Tenenbaum(Hackman) plans, charms and even schemes to salvage and repair the broken relationships with his wife, Ethel(Houston) and his three genius children Chas(Stiller), Richie(Luke Wilson) and Margot(Paltrow). Tenenbaums is an unconventinal comedy freshly presented in a somewhat literary structure, mostly like a novel though one can sense stage drama elements in it also. The actors wear their roles as close to their own skins like the vintage attire they don. Which of course makes for performances with conviction. Though a film out of the ordinary, i personally can't help but sense that Anderson is relatively self-conscious in his writing and directing for Tenenbaums as compared to the more campy, outrageous and easy-going Rushmore. But still, he manages to bring out some of the very best from his cast and approach a topic that's been done many times before with a quirkiness that leaves the audience(ok, maybe just me.) with a subtle tickle that doesn't quite wears off for a while. Official website.

Monday, April 01, 2002

Take the What Kind of Slacker are you? Quiz

Got this quiz from Elf's blog. This is impossible, man!!! Back in junior college, I was known as the Queen of Bums among my friends. Ah, what the's just an internet test anywayz. What do these suckers know right? =)


This cinematic experience is enlightening to say the least. It's my second time watching an r(a) movie on my own after Amelie. Having just turned 21about two weeks ago, I decided not to dress a little older and just go in all my casual splendour, jeans-tee-mashimaru watch and everything. The uncle usher gave me one long, suspicious look before relenting and letting me through. I think it was my very self-assured look. =p Once inside, I received weird looks from the other patrons...I think they've never seen a mashimaru watch before. But I digress, on to the movie itself!

Excellent, excellent stuff. A deserving win for Jim Broadbent(Moulin Rouge) in the Best Supporting Actor category at the Oscars. Huge kudos to Dame Judi Dench and Kate Winslet who portrays the older and younger Dame Iris Murdoch, renowned British writer and philosopher, respectively. Although I haven't seen Halle Berry's performance in Monster's Ball, I do feel sorry that the Best Actress oscar trophe didn't go to Dench as well as Best Supporting Actress didn't make it to Winslet's camp. It isn't easy taking on the role of a complex intellectual with the love for words and language. But Iris's love goes much further than that, and that is her thirst for life. She is a spokesperson for education and her struggle with alzheimer's disease becomes an education in itself for her. That although words, language and even whole, coherent thoughts may have failed her, her love and her spirit didn't. Full of symbols(European film makers are just better at this), emotions and meaning, don't let this one film pass you by. Definitely one to make an impact.
Official site.