Confessions of a Movie Slut

in the year 2006, our heroine embarks on her most treacherous challenge yet-to lead a decent life despite the insanity and pressures that come with academia. she pursues honours in english though her thesis is on film. an opportunity to prove to herself that she can think. and actually think hard. will she finally transcend the ways of the fuckwit to become a competent person? will she be able to watch all those movies without growing a tumour or becoming catatonic? stay tuned.

Thursday, April 11, 2002

Anybody who just wants to drop everything that they're doing(exam preparations, tedious work, exams mostly) and go for some paradise island getaway, raise your hands! Ok fine, maybe it's just me... =p Suddenly Survivor looks like a holiday, I find that I'm paying more attention to the 5 minute TCS 5 segments about stress control and I get spasms of totally freaking out...ok, so I always totally freak out but it's worse this time. Honest! I'm getting pimple breakouts and rashes, stomach aches and headaches. All symptoms that I've begun my annual cycle of pre-examination syndrome. Tell me, am I the worst there is or do the rest of you also feel kinda funky when exams attack?

No TV(or not as much anywayz), No movies, No bumming...3 of my all time favourite past times. Am getting withdrawal symptoms already! To think that The Practice, Boston Public, Dark Angel has ended its season, I'd get more time to concentrate on my studies but nooooo...besides Ally and Gilmore Gals, The X-Files, Ed, Friends, CSI and Alias are coming real soon. Argh! Why? Why, God, WHY??? The timing is just incredible....ok, ok, no more ranting...I still need to work through 3 tapes of recorded episodes during me down time. =p

Don't get me even started on movies. I never knew I can be so sacrificing... =p Anyhoo, I guess giving many a miss should be alright. After all we need to get our priorities straight yah? *bleah* Sheah riiight! Anywayz, the movies that I haveta delay and it's makin' me pull my hair out are Monster's Ball and *sob and sniffle* Panic Room. The latter's one of the films I've been following for since pre-production cuz David Fincher's next work was widely anticipated. I love, love David Fincher, Fight Club was awesome! Anywayz, didja guys know that Nicole Kidman was originally slated to play Jodie Foster's role? But the role is physically demanding and Kidman had been nursing a knee injury then so she had to drop out with the advice of her physicians. I like Foster but it would've been cool to watch Kidman in a role that's a departure from her usual artistic, dramatic ones. She would've looked good in a black tank top too. Oh well... anywayz, to get jazzed for this movie, watch the trailer or visit the official website.


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