Confessions of a Movie Slut

in the year 2006, our heroine embarks on her most treacherous challenge yet-to lead a decent life despite the insanity and pressures that come with academia. she pursues honours in english though her thesis is on film. an opportunity to prove to herself that she can think. and actually think hard. will she finally transcend the ways of the fuckwit to become a competent person? will she be able to watch all those movies without growing a tumour or becoming catatonic? stay tuned.

Monday, June 03, 2002

Hey all. It's been quite a lazy day as compared to last week which was absolutely crazy. Had something on everyday and I thought I won't survive till Sunday. And now that I'm slacking at home, I feel like my joints are rotting away. Heh. The human condition, we're never really satisfied with one situation. Besides Eileen and Ady, a long time blogger, Elf has also moved and runnin' a kick ass site. Check it out. Talk about upgrading... =p Me? I just change the title of my blog. Hee.

This humble but pretty sunflower is for my bestfriend, Eileen. For all the times you've been there for me, and to remind you that I'll be there for you too. Whenever you need me.

Motives when "the profile doesn't fit the profile".

I didn't think Murder By Numbers is that good a film but watching the movie did get me rethinking about serial killing and the motives behind them. I did some reading about the matter some few years back and most of the reasons revolve around depravity, cruelty, sexual release and even evil influences often stemming from childhood trauma. Sandra Bullock is Cassie Mayweather, an emotionally fractured detective and a former victim of a heinous crime, who investigates two teenagers commiting a series of killings with the intension of getting away with it owing to their extensive knowledge on crime from books about criminal profiling and the forensic sciences(or maybe just too many CSI episodes). What disturbs and perplexes me at the same time(quite a dynamic combination eh?) is their motivations for carrying out their extreme misdeeds.

Basically the two antagonists Richard Haywood(Ryan Gosling) and Justin Pendleton(Michael Pitt) believe in a twisted philosophy that one has not fully embraced life if one had not experienced murder and suicide and that crime is a means to free man from the restrictive machinery that is society. They are well-to-do, brilliant students although their parents don't pay them as much attention as they would've liked. And that makes me wonder if it is motivation enough to make these teens kill or is it just inherent evil. Nature vs. Nurture so to speak. To me Richard and Justin seem like healthy, psychologically normal kids except maybe a little lack of morality but then again, nobody in that department's perfect. And I found it incredulous that parents being quite complascent and their being bored compelled them to kill mercilessly and meaninglessly just for the sole purpose of proving a point and living out a philosophy. And even if it were possible, which in all fairness it is, what kind of existense is our world evolving into when people murder with not just diabolical purposes but with clinical detachment as well? I guess this topic does strike a cord with me. Children as young as 9 are commiting rape and murder and high schools are paranoid about someone going gun crazy. Everyone is becoming more of a victim these days and nobody deserves that.


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