Confessions of a Movie Slut

in the year 2006, our heroine embarks on her most treacherous challenge yet-to lead a decent life despite the insanity and pressures that come with academia. she pursues honours in english though her thesis is on film. an opportunity to prove to herself that she can think. and actually think hard. will she finally transcend the ways of the fuckwit to become a competent person? will she be able to watch all those movies without growing a tumour or becoming catatonic? stay tuned.

Thursday, June 20, 2002

After going out for most of the days this week so far, I'll be a good lil' daughter and stay home to look after house today. heh. I'll ask my dad if he needs a soccer buddy for the 2 matches today particularly the major England vs. Brazil later at 2:20. hehe. That's why I can catch up with the blogging. I had a peek of what I'll be having for lunch at the dining room, looks like stir fried vege with mushrooms, tofu with spicy black sauce and one of my mum's specialities, rendang chicken pie. YUM!!! I'm so putting on the pounds! Kudos to mum being an excellent cook.

The genius, that is, Robert Altman.
Who loved M*A*S*H??? *looks around* I'm sure several did. It was like one of the icons of the 70s. Unfortunately many of his other more daring and poignant movies were overshadowed by its success. Finally, Gosford Park arrives! But of course there wasn't any decency to bring it in before the Golden Globe awards this year, or even the Oscars. Sigh. Eileen told me just be happy that it actually made it here. Eileen has good intentions but it's still unfair that I didn't get to form an opinion of whether the movie deserved the wins or not! *grumble* Took away some of my critical rights, man... *pout* Oh well, now that it's here, I can't wait to catch it! One of the best things about Altman is that he can get quite anti-Americano and anti-establishment sometimes...hehehe. A quote from the meistro himself: " But Altman doesn't blame Hollywood for anything other than advertising its own bad taste. Suddenly I'm the bad guy." Ouch.

To view trailer and learn more about Godford Park, visit the official website.

Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets teaser out!

Picture courtesy of Entertainment Weekly online.
I quite liked the first Harry Potter movie and having read the novel can safely say that the film followed the book to the tee. Much more so as compared to The Fellowship of The Ring for Tolkien's classic. Although I gotta admit that it wasn't a totally excellent film. Proves that a movie can be absolutely faithful in its adaptation and yet doesn't gurantee a great film version. But I still like it nonetheless. heh. =p Let's just hope Hollywood does C.S Lewis right by the adaptation of The Narnian Chronicles which is in the midst of preproduction. Btw, this new Harry Potter trailer is quite cool...check it out.


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