Confessions of a Movie Slut

in the year 2006, our heroine embarks on her most treacherous challenge yet-to lead a decent life despite the insanity and pressures that come with academia. she pursues honours in english though her thesis is on film. an opportunity to prove to herself that she can think. and actually think hard. will she finally transcend the ways of the fuckwit to become a competent person? will she be able to watch all those movies without growing a tumour or becoming catatonic? stay tuned.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

The Chain Reaction.

i usually splurge on movie tickets, food, dvds, vcds, books, magazines, the occassional cds and hair/skin care products. consequently, i don't have much left for other stuff like clothes, shoes, accessories and make-up which fall in the lower categories of my interests. but there're times when the preening monster is let lose. seems like now is one of those moments...

it began innocently enough. i was sitting as comfortably as i could as irene worked on my hair- i was minding my own business when her colleague dumbo-dropped a load of fashion magazines on my counter. instinctively, i reached out in a bid to distract myself from the inevitable boredom i was to suffer through the process of making my hair oh-so-pretty. i barely touched its glossy surface when a friendly, familiar and slightly nagging voice flitted across my mind, "don't read beauty magazines they will only make you feel ugly." after which a glorious chorus breaks into passionate song, "everybody's freeeee to feel goooooood." it's a good piece of advice and one i related to considering my tendencies to turn a critical eye on my own physical attributes. then i figured i'm a big girl now right... shouldn't affect me if i have enough self-respect right... as it turns out, not really wrong but it invoked another entity i had almost forgotten about- the subdued clothes horse.

the free radicals are set in motion and the chain reaction begins and so does the stream of consciousness: can't take full advantage of a nice looking hairdo without nicer looking clothes- haven't found a cute outfit to go with that cute new pair of shoes (they're starting to feel lonely)- *looks down at the pages of the magazine* oh look! that top would go really well with the bottom i intend to get for those shoes. and that's the reason, folks, why i refrain from buying something new (fashion wise) more often than not... i won't stop there, i'll think of possible tops, shoes, bags, accessories and even make-up that'd make up an entire outfit. i call it my dam... and often it stands sturdy and true but sometimes, when the clothes horse emerges, the dam is crushed into worthless debris and the waters of spendthriftness gush forth- squandered... on the other hand, it could be a blessing in disguise considering how i don't have the mood to shop for clothes often and many of them are worn. sure sure... keep telling myself that. =p

The State of My Room: a total mess... an unruly assortment of clothes, books and dvds strewn all over the bed and the floor.
The State of My Wardrobe: even scarier... it looks like a tornado hit and a civil war happened on the same day. mangled and knotted clothes clumped haphazardly in mountainous piles.
The State of My Emotions: stabalising as compared to the mama-of-drama episode i recently had. a little lonely because all of my close friends have been very busy lately and i didn't get to see them for quite a while. a little mixture of apprehensive anxiety and general acceptance... i've sort of started to say my goodbyes to things and places as i'm left with only 9 days in singapore.
The State of My Movie Watching: at the theatres, dwindling. the last two films i caught were cold mountain and house of sand and fog. i'm hoping it'll pick up tomorrow with 4 awesome movies i've really been looking forward to opening in cinemas; raising victor vargas (i remember all the fuss over this film when it first opened in the us), natural city (sucky title but interesting concept), something's gotta give (something funny about jack but i've never been impressed by films of nancy meyer's though. hmmm.) and mystic river (i was never a fan of films directed by clint eastwood... heck i'm not a big fan of films he acted in but i'm a sucker for melancholy dramas of despair). big fish sneaks over the weekend!!! big fish would probably be the last movie i'll be catching here before i fly back to perth... feel quite bummed about it.

he's got my daughter in theeeeeeere!!

till the next update, take care y'all.


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