Confessions of a Movie Slut

in the year 2006, our heroine embarks on her most treacherous challenge yet-to lead a decent life despite the insanity and pressures that come with academia. she pursues honours in english though her thesis is on film. an opportunity to prove to herself that she can think. and actually think hard. will she finally transcend the ways of the fuckwit to become a competent person? will she be able to watch all those movies without growing a tumour or becoming catatonic? stay tuned.

Tuesday, September 24, 2002

Eventful Tuesday.

I had an eventful day yesterday...well, more so than my usually mundane life. =p Bummed around for a bit in the morning before it really kicked off at 2p.m. Watched S1M0NE. I really like the concept and the ideology behind this film and it presented great potential but the plot just doesn't do it for me. It turned out like The Truman Show where the plot doesn't do the philosophy justice. Then met up with Eileen for dinner and a chat after which we went to The Esplanade to just look-see. The building is amazing and the new library there is so snazzy. There's such a beautiful view of the bay from there and I can't wait for it to officially open for performances. Already bought tix for the London Philharmonic orchestra and Faust. Heh. Then, we moved on to the Substation at Armenian Road. I had wanted to attend the Screenwriters' Talk: Tuesday Series organized by the Singapore Screenwriters Association and The Substation. I don't think I've talked about my love for writing and scriptwriting much because I tend to be very personal about that. And quite embarassed to really show my friends what I've written although I wouldn't have much difficulty talking to close friends about a couple of ideas I have. Maybe because I think I suck at it! =p haha. Eileen was kind enough to want to accompany me. You da best, grrl! =) And luckily she found it interesting too. The venue was a small classroom on the 2nd level and since Eileen and I were a little early, we got reasonable seats while more and more people and I guess would-be writers and film makers and even some amateur ones walked in.

Yesterday's speaker was Wee Li Lin for the topic of writing a short film. Not sure if you guys have heard of her but I read about her some time ago in the Straits Times. She's a Visual Arts graduate from Brown University(whoa!) and she's made several short films. She's one of the calibre short/independent film makers of Singapore with a Singapore International Film Fest Best Director award under her belt for Norman On Air which we got to watch yesterday. I particularly like another short called "Another Guy" and her latest one Holiday starring Adrian Pang. She talked and explained her personal method of working on her scripts and directing and producing them. She's worked with mediacorp before and has some really famous friends but I'm impressed and glad that she's so down to earth and disarmingly funny. So although about 30 or more of us were cramped in that sardine can of a classroom with the aircondition busting up on us, we were thoroughly informed and entertained. She opened herself to questions from the audience and it became more interactive. All in all it was a good talk and I came away more enlightened and kinda inspired for something I already adore. I came home to The Practice and Boston Public too. =p The next screenwriter's talk I'll be attending, yes with Eileen too ;), is next month, with the famed CheeK speaking about writing for a feature film. In case you aren't really sure, he's the guy behind Chicken Rice Wars(which actually won an award at the Toronto Film Fest) and he's also currently the vice-president of network editorial strategy at MTV Asia. Can't wait for that! =)

Recommend film of the moment: Monsoon Wedding directed by Mira Nair.


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