Confessions of a Movie Slut

in the year 2006, our heroine embarks on her most treacherous challenge yet-to lead a decent life despite the insanity and pressures that come with academia. she pursues honours in english though her thesis is on film. an opportunity to prove to herself that she can think. and actually think hard. will she finally transcend the ways of the fuckwit to become a competent person? will she be able to watch all those movies without growing a tumour or becoming catatonic? stay tuned.

Wednesday, August 07, 2002

In Denial?

The first week of August is almost over. Now's the time when my classmates and I dread looking into our post boxes. Or maybe some of us are looking forward to get it all over and done with. The mere mention of its name can bring thousands of students to cower in trepidation. What am I talking about? Results... I know for a fact that I didn't do well this year. It has been a very trying second year of undergrad studies due to several circumstances that had driven my friends and I to the very edge of our abilities under those tedious conditions. I'll never forget 2002. I've seen and done only what I had thought to be almost impossible before. Best of luck to all my pals.

So since I fear the oncoming results, I've been doing what I do best...immersing myself in denial by having a ball during what I have left of my holiday. On Tuesday, I met up with Ady, Jo and Lou for Ady's birthday lunch @ Marche. After getting Ady's b'dae prezzie, she generously treated us to deserts @ NYDC. Thank you so much grrl. I owe you huge ok? Today, I went to watch Apocalypse Now Redux and Powerpuff Girls with a pal. And I got asked for my IC twice for Apocalypse...first by the auntie selling the tix and next by the usher before I entered the theatre. *sighs and shrugs* There were weird pple in the cinema during the Apocalypse screening. Two bored guys behind couldn't stop chatting during the movie...about the movie!!! Talk after the show, can?? Grrr. Then one fella from across the aisle had a really LOUD phonecall during the loud, I could hear the shrill voice of the person on the phone. Yakking during a movie is one of the biggest pet peevs I have concerning the whole process of cinema-going. How 'bout you guys? What are some of your biggest pet peevs in the theatre?

Tom, besties Eileen and Jia and Jia's bf coming over to my place to watch the Alien series. Jia was inspired to catch these films after reading the book she got me about them. Heh. Probably lunching @ my place too. My mum made pizza to bake for tom's lunch. So I've been pretty much occupied these days with unconfirmed plans for this coming Friday too. To keep my mind off the horror that's coming my way.

Right now, I'd like to shamelessly plug a new blog that a buddy ol' pal has just set up. She's cute, she's talented and like Ady, she can write a mean poem when the inspiration hits. She's Jo(anne)!!! Go check her place out!
Have a good one guys! Peace and out.


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