Confessions of a Movie Slut

in the year 2006, our heroine embarks on her most treacherous challenge yet-to lead a decent life despite the insanity and pressures that come with academia. she pursues honours in english though her thesis is on film. an opportunity to prove to herself that she can think. and actually think hard. will she finally transcend the ways of the fuckwit to become a competent person? will she be able to watch all those movies without growing a tumour or becoming catatonic? stay tuned.

Wednesday, August 28, 2002

Looking For Work.

Howdy y'all. One more day till TGIF yah. It's that time of the week when work and school are wrapping up for the weekend. Err..unless some of you guys have extra load to deal with. But you gotta admit, come Friday, you just feel a little relaxed, like you can breathe easy for a while. I've been basically bumming for the last 3 1/2 months. I feel awful about not using this time to get part time work. Then at least I could apply myself and earn some cash at the same time which could come in handy. I'd like to work but it's in conflict with my current schedule which includes driving lessons twice a week, my mum insists that I learn even when I protested. And I gotta try finishing it by dec or at the most feb next year before my transfer. I'm kinda keeping an eye out for administrative work right now, it's monotonous I know but it's a no-brainer and at least the pay is steady. But the prob is, most of them want to start immediately and that clashes with my driving lessons. Of course my ideal job right now is to join in a film/media production either as a writer or a production assistant. I sent in an application for that already but haven't received any replies yet. Oh well. Just gotta wait and see.

Anyway, on a less sombre note, I hung out with Ady yest and we had coffee at the Starbucks near my place. After that we had lunch and caught Guns and Talks which turned out to be entertaining. The actors had pretty good comedic timing. Won Bin's quite the babe. Then later in the evening, I watched xXx with my dad. He had fun as did I. Vin Diesel strutted his stuff and the stunts were quite impressive though I got a little incredulous when X out-snow-boarded the avalanche. But's Hollywood right? I prefered Diesel in Pitch Black though, he had more intensity there. Guess I just gotta wait for the sequel Riddick then. Diesel actually has theatre background and I have caught glimpses of the credible actor in him with his roles in Saving Private Ryan and Boiler Room. I hope he doesn't get typecasted as a smart-ass beefcake and work on films which can showcase his talent in the near future.

Anyway, speaking of cool movies I'm are two I've picked to gush and plug shamelessly for today.

Road to Perdition

Ok, ok...I know I've said this like gazillion of times before but I cannot stress enough how psyched I am about this Tom Hanks-Paul Newman-Jude Law vehicle. I wasn't very impressed by director Sam Mendes's previous take on mid-life crisis, American Beauty but by my observation and reading up on production snippets and judging by the general responses of the american audiences, this is set to knock stinky socks off. Figured I might as well include a short summary: Michael Sullivan(Hanks) is a hitman known as the angel of death who works and basically lives for boss and father figure, John Rooney(Newman). Loyalty and the strength of family ties are tested when Mike Junior, Sullivan's son, chances upon a hit and witnesses what his father really does for a living. Set in the '20s/30s thereabouts when mobs rule supreme. Jennifer Jason Leigh and Stanley Tucci also stars. I think this opens here on Sept 5th. The Road to Perdition begins here.

Monsoon Wedding.

I read up on this charming, vibrant film earlier this year from Premiere magazine's January issue which spotlighted it among its list of notable films for the month. I'm a fan of Pakistani and Indian films like East is East and Bend It Like Beckham because they create a stunning concoction of tradition and modern life influences. An East meets West thing going on. Monsoon Wedding is about the hustle and bustle that goes on during the traditional Hindu wedding of a couple involved in an arranged marriage and it also revolves around a modern day Punjabi family. Interesting turn of events take place as the preparations unravel together with the arrival of relatives who hail from all parts of the world. Even the languages used are a fascinating mix of english, punjabi and hindu. The film garnered critical acclaim having won the top prize, the Golden Lion, at the Venice Film Fest last year. Monsoon Wedding will prob hit town sometime this month...if the dates on the local posters can be trusted. =p

I've absolutely put my faith in these upcoming movies so much so that should they suck, I have sworn to cleanse myself by fasting. I shall keep off my movie diet...for one wait...*strengthens resove*...yeah! Most def, i promise no movies for a week. But if the rest of you think that any one of these films suck...too bad! This punishment applies only to myself. =p I shall not seek redemption for others! buahahahaha! *maniacal laughter*
Peace and out! ;)


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