Confessions of a Movie Slut

in the year 2006, our heroine embarks on her most treacherous challenge yet-to lead a decent life despite the insanity and pressures that come with academia. she pursues honours in english though her thesis is on film. an opportunity to prove to herself that she can think. and actually think hard. will she finally transcend the ways of the fuckwit to become a competent person? will she be able to watch all those movies without growing a tumour or becoming catatonic? stay tuned.

Wednesday, September 18, 2002

Reality Bites?

*sniffle and sobs* Ally McBeal ended its run with the series finale just past Tuesday. And I think Gilmore Girls had its season's conclusion too considering The Practice and Boston Public return next week. *sniff* Oh well, 2 doors close and another 2 open. =) All hail good prime time TV...*kow tow* Finally TCS 5 is airing Smallville. We're like a year late as usual. For those of you who're unsure, Smallville chronicles the day to day life of Clark Kent, aka Superman as a teen. Caught an episode while I was vacationing in Brisbane and it's pretty entertaining. Word has it that it was a sleeper hit in the US. Another critically acclaimed programme I watched while I was in Oz was 6 Feet Under. Heard about it when it emerged victorious at last year's Emmy's. I think HBO is gonna showcase it so for those of us who got HBO, "awright, duuuudes!" muahaha.

This is Kristin Kreuk, an upcoming actress who portrays Lana Lang, the object of Superman's affections in Smallville. Pretty ain't she? She's actually half chinese and half dutch quite to my surprise. As I watched that episode of Smallville in Oz, I was floored by her perfect beauty...for all of 5 seconds, before I started absolutely hating her!! Damn these chio bus...buahaha.

Television, Art imitating where does reality tv stand? Survivor: Thailand begins tomorrow too not forgetting Amazing Race hitting the idiot box soon. The latent voyeur in me shall rise again! =) *rubs hands in anticipation* More bitching and back stabbing. buahaha.

Speaking about the thin line between reality and fiction... here are some flicks that toy with the border.

Interview with the Assassin- Hitman. Assassination. John F Kennedy. Just a gist of what goes on in the in the intriguing conversation in this excellent trailer. =)

Gang Tapes- This is Blair Witch meets the hood. A 13 year old gang member unveils the nit and grit of his life and his violent ghetto environment through a digital video cam which he chanced upon after highjacking and stealing a car.

Shanghai Ghetto- This is a documentary about two holocaust survivors who bring us on a journey to a Jewish ghetto in Shanghai, China where German Jews ran to during WW2 to escape the Nazis. But instead they got embroiled in severely poor conditions of poverty and disease.

Interesting piece of news... Have any of u guys caught The Eye from sometime ago? Guess what. It was screened at The Toronto Film Fest recently and Tom Cruise attended it. He liked the film so much, he has bought the remake rights to it. Who'd have thought, eh? =)


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