Confessions of a Movie Slut

in the year 2006, our heroine embarks on her most treacherous challenge yet-to lead a decent life despite the insanity and pressures that come with academia. she pursues honours in english though her thesis is on film. an opportunity to prove to herself that she can think. and actually think hard. will she finally transcend the ways of the fuckwit to become a competent person? will she be able to watch all those movies without growing a tumour or becoming catatonic? stay tuned.

Friday, September 27, 2002

Warner Bros' Huge Mistakes.

Some of you might have read the article in Strait's Times Life section today about the new Superman movie that is apparently greenlighted. I heard about it a week or so ago but I dismissed it as totally unconfirmed. I mean Keanu Reeves as Clark Kent...c'mon... I heard about the Superman vs. Batman movie I blogged about sometime ago being somewhat put on hold but I didn't think it'd be shelved(if whatever Life reports is really true). Now if studio execs at Warner is giving the Superman vs. Batman script(which close observers of the industry and extreme cinephiles tout as terrific) a pass and settling for another which movie geeks and Superman fans read and abhorred, then the Warner bigwigs are just being plain stupid. I think they should clean the dollar muck from their eyes and really listen to what the fans and script readers have to say.

I'm a huge fan of Darren Aronofsky so naturally I wasn't very pleased to find out Brad Pitt left the production of The Fountain only a few weeks before filming was to begin. I got to read the full angry letter from the crew and I totally agree with them about Pitt putting a lot of folks out of work and how he wasn't responsible to the project and the art as a whole. What Life didn't mention was that Pitt chickened out. The script was something bold, different, personal and consequently unconventional but great. Warner Bros was also nervous about investing in it so when Pitt left, it gave them opportunity to stop production. Aronofsky really needed Pitt because he was a good enough actor with a big enough name to assure Warner that the film can pull in the mainstream crowd. When Pitt left, Warner didn't help at all by refusing to entertain Aronofsky's list of other actors he felt could fill in the role instead and also some of the actors are unavailable at such short notice. Apparently, a more conventional plotted script dropped on Pitt's lap, Trojan, which is the adaptation of Homer's The Iliad. He might take on the role of Achilles. From what I heard, after the whole Fountain hoo-haa, Aronofsky ain't too pleased with Pitt's deeds. I think it's not very smart on Pitt's piss off a director whom I feel could be and will be one of the greatest...

Ack, let's get all this unpleasantness out of the way. It's the weekend, hurray! What are you guys are up to? Just last Sat when I went to GV Grand to get my tix for the European Union Film Festival, 8 Women was sold out and I was totally bummed because it was the film I was looking forward to the most in the film fest. Imagine the tickets just went on sale on the thursday prior to that weekend and a couple of movies including 8 Women, Italian For Beginnners, Jump Tomorrow and Saint-Cyr were almost or are full housed by last Sat. The cool thing is GV Grand and GV Marina are having sneak previews and extra screenings of 8 Women and I got the tix yest!! So i will be catching it this weekend after all!*excited* Buahahahaha!...*ahem* European Union Film Fest began yesterday but opens to the public today.

Next month, there will be the French Film Fest which promises to be the biggest with 28 films in its list. It looks really good too with several categories that include the women directors' selection, drama, comedies, thriller/film noirs, prestige screening and there's even the Francois Ozon Retrospective. Something to go for if you guys want some alternatives rather than the usual Hollywood fare. Have a good one pple! Peace and out... =)


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