Confessions of a Movie Slut

in the year 2006, our heroine embarks on her most treacherous challenge yet-to lead a decent life despite the insanity and pressures that come with academia. she pursues honours in english though her thesis is on film. an opportunity to prove to herself that she can think. and actually think hard. will she finally transcend the ways of the fuckwit to become a competent person? will she be able to watch all those movies without growing a tumour or becoming catatonic? stay tuned.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

"... I haven't slept in a year..."

image courtesy of

a man who is being eaten up on the inside out. because a little guilt can go a long way. insomnia, madness, fear and despair abound in, what seems to me, brad anderson's sophomore effort. i felt that his previous well-known piece, session 9 was fat with potential but still relatively raw. the machinist is a dramatic noir which reminds me a lot of memento. for some reasons, i feel that the plot is rather typical... largely due to the fact that i sort of figured out part of the ending halfway through.

however, the engaging storytelling, the gloomy texture of the film, christian bale's consuming (almost literally) performance as the film's emaciated protagonist and the exquisite dramatic tension of the movie make up for the fact that this piece is really nothing exceptionally new in terms of narrative ideas. i applaud brad anderson's ability to build the tension up to its climatic moments. he's big on symbolic significance in this one too. and that's always a good thing with me. worth a watch in my opinion.

official movie site


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