Confessions of a Movie Slut

in the year 2006, our heroine embarks on her most treacherous challenge yet-to lead a decent life despite the insanity and pressures that come with academia. she pursues honours in english though her thesis is on film. an opportunity to prove to herself that she can think. and actually think hard. will she finally transcend the ways of the fuckwit to become a competent person? will she be able to watch all those movies without growing a tumour or becoming catatonic? stay tuned.

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

first days, troubleshooting, jitters and other mayhem.

thanks loads everyone for the well wishes… really appreciate them. i know it seems like i’ve totally disappeared. i’ve been experiencing slight problems with my internet connection and i need to sign on to something to get my msn to work. i’m still over the icq though for those who want to chat with me.

the first few days in perth were eventful to say the least. my lock was stuck and I lived for a day without half of my stuff so i didn’t even have a blanket and had to loan some bed sheets from a friend for the first night. the weather was bad the first day I touched down- scorching heat which pricked the skin and made me break into a sweat… while i was standing still. start up costs practically incinerated the wallet. i hadn’t realized i was wandering aimlessly within the fog of denial until I attended my first two lectures which were the communication studies units. then it hit me like a tonne of bricks… on a speeding truck with a banner that says, “welcome back” … in bold. i’ve turned psychic and i can predict 100% accurately that i’m going to be an academic skank this semester. there is no way in hell (or on earth for that matter) i’m going to score for comm. studies 203: digital media… which commands some heavy practical projects like producing video segments for news or documentaries and making a flash presentation. sigh. i’m not very confident with comm. studies 201 also cuz i have to make a website from scratch. thing is… i love consuming whatever the media has to offer but manipulating it and creating it for other people’s consumption is a whole new dimension. well… can’t do much except for sucking it up and going through with it. being the high strung, kancheong spider that i am, i got stressed and in a daze i just walked out of my comm. studies 203 lecture without handing up my sheet of tutorial slot preferences. i had to hike all the way to the arts buiding the next morn only to catch the lecture team in time before they started sorting out the students.

the cold winds have started to blow though and autumn seems to be on the way. awesome… my favourite season. despite being stressed, i’m attempting to be more of a participant in activities. thought of joining the writing team for Pelican (the uwa student newspaper), the film committee of my residential college and maybe even join the dragon boat race. i dunno… i’m still exploring my options. i may not take part in anything in the end considering the slacker that i am.

in the bid to save money, my movie watching is hacked down to the bare minimum. need to look at the top of my priority list and stick to just those. no extravagant film buffet like i had back home. so… i’ll be catching the passion of the christ and the missing this friday with some friends. and I promise not to go out again for…. the rest of the week. =p

some interesting movie news i’ve chanced upon lately. i ran a short blogging entry about 2 years ago concerning some rumours that the chronicles of narnia will be adapted to the silver screen. seems like the project is moving toward the greenlight as disney have signed up with weta to make the films. hmmm.. disney scurrying about for bigger deals post-pixar? peter jackson’s king kong project reaches casting stage. a cooler, newer hellboy trailer is out and here’s a pretty rad kill bill vol. 2 poster:

personally i prefer the kill bill vol. 1 teaser one sheet with the close up shot of the bride’s hand clutching a samurai sword with the tagline “here comes the bride”. but that’s just me..

it's 9:41pm now and just on the news, a man suspected to be a serial killer got picked up by perth police today. he is the alledged abductor and murderer of several women, the most recent who disappeared about 3 years ago in claremont... which is the suburb right next to mine in nedlands. freaky...