Confessions of a Movie Slut

in the year 2006, our heroine embarks on her most treacherous challenge yet-to lead a decent life despite the insanity and pressures that come with academia. she pursues honours in english though her thesis is on film. an opportunity to prove to herself that she can think. and actually think hard. will she finally transcend the ways of the fuckwit to become a competent person? will she be able to watch all those movies without growing a tumour or becoming catatonic? stay tuned.

Sunday, September 29, 2002

Fun-filled Sunday.

Today was so much fun! It kicked off in the morn when I went to watch Reign Of Fire with my dad. When I first heard about the movie in the early stages of its preproduction, the premise fascinated me. By the time I got to see how the film makers were approaching it. I sorta lost interest and the totally killed it for me. Testosterone overdosage, nu-metal score, special fx consumed, was just too typical Americano Hollywood and I guess that was quite unnerving. But I went anyway since my dad's so hard-up on watching it and I totally watched it without any expectations and it worked. The movie wasn't as bad as I imagined. Haha. There were some intense sequences and wry humour that were at least disarmingly charming to a sometimes disenchanted movie geek, i.e moi..haha.

After the movie, I met up with one of my besties, the one and only Jia! We had lunch at Sakae Sushi at Marina Square cuz I've got a craving for raw seafood on rice. =p After which we went to watch 8 Femmes!! Yes, that movie I had wanted desperately to watch and which was full housed at the current European Union Film Fest. It was amazing! 8 strong, 3-dimensional women characters, they totally ruled the screen for that 2 hours. Francois Ozon's whodunnit parody musical was the foreground for more serious issues concerning womanhood, sexuality, love and ultimately truth. Excellent stuff. I had laughs and provoked thoughts.

Jia and I then decided to go to the nearby Esplanade to check out what's left of the open weekend. It was packed! Felt like the whole of Singapore was there which made us glad. We do love the idea of the Esplanade. A place for the Arts and for everyone to appreciate it. We managed to catch Cesspit, a local band i think who plays reggae music. We checked out the building and its various places except for the concert halls cuz there were super long queues outside. We then walked alongside the bay and we noticed something. They were having this activity where the public was given chalks..all different colours of chalks and encouraged to draw on the pavements in that area! Everyone did it, the kids and there were even fine art students who made masterpieces. So Jia and I got bitten by the bug and we got some chalk from this bubbly girl who was giving them out and we picked a spot to draw something. I figured it'd be cool if we made ourselves a star of fame, y' those found in Hollywood containing the names of celebrities. So we drew our star. It was colourful with our names embedded brightly in it. Haha. After that, Jia had a brilliant beyond brilliant idea. She figured it'd be amusing to draw out a chalk figure, y' the ones u can find at a crime scene on television to pinpoint where the victim's body lay? It was awkward just drawing it out of nothing so Jia decided to model for it! She just dropped to the floor and lay in a strategic position and I outlined her body with a chalk. Hahaha. It was funny and passers-by just stopped and observed what we were doing. The figure on the ground looked pretty good. =) Went home after that to my waiting telly and watched Crime and Punishment in Surburbia on Star Movies. 3 movies, Esplanade and pavement kinda Sunday. =)


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