Confessions of a Movie Slut

in the year 2006, our heroine embarks on her most treacherous challenge yet-to lead a decent life despite the insanity and pressures that come with academia. she pursues honours in english though her thesis is on film. an opportunity to prove to herself that she can think. and actually think hard. will she finally transcend the ways of the fuckwit to become a competent person? will she be able to watch all those movies without growing a tumour or becoming catatonic? stay tuned.

Monday, October 07, 2002

Movies, Jogging and Work.* What?!?!*

I haven't blogged much lately cuz I've been busy. The usual movie routines? Sure. But guess what, the Queen mayor of Bumsville has found herself a part-time job. Uh-huh,, the Leading lady of Leisure, has actually gotten off her big arse to work as a temporary data entry clerk/customer service officer at FedEx. And not only that, she has started to *gasp* jog on a regular basis! Say it ain't so! Will wonders never cease eh? =p So as you can see, my schedule's been rather filled lately. And with the European Union Film Festival going on last week, I had close to no time to spend just bumming around at home. The film fest was awesome...maybe cuz I love or really like all the films I've picked. =p hehe. I managed to catch Tales From The Vienna Woods, Saint-Cyr, Scholar Gerber and Faithless. Awesome movies they all were. One regret was that I didn't manage to catch Italian For Beginners, one of the Dogme 95 films that I'm very fascinated with. Didn't manage to watch 8 Women at the fest either but I did watch the sneak preview as I've maniacally blogged about a week or so ago. haha. Hot on its heels is the French Film Fest coming later this month, a collaboration between Alliance Francaise and Cathay. I'm all set for that! =)

Apparently according to some friends of mine, a local cinema(Yangtze?) is showcasing La Pianiste once again. But we suspect it's going to be the censored version. Whatever it is, I recommend it totally! I penned my thoughts on it and it's still there in the June archive of my blog. My besties and I managed to catch the uncensored version at the limited Alliance Francaise screening then. *naughty snigger* Haha, but really folks, it's a great film with a lot of things to say. And it's the first time I got to know of a stunning actress, Isabelle Huppert whom I just adore by now. She was amazing in La Pianiste and she didn't disappoint me at all in 8 Women and Saint-Cyr. If you guys can and most importantly, if you want, do try and catch the Ah Pek(Yangtze) cinema!! muahahaha!

24 just finished its (very long) run last week! Sobs! The final ep blew me away. And I got word that the dvd set is released in the US with a special peek into Season 2! More Bauer Power! Yay! Alias had its first season's swan song just now also. And Friends will say their goodbyes next week. *sniff* I'm so gonna miss them the wake of Ally and The X-Files to boot. Oh well. At least Scrubs and Smallville are on its way. And not forgetting Six Feet Under, this Sat 10:30 on HBO!!! Woohooo! These days after 8 hours of slogging in the office, all I wanna do when I get home is to sit back and watch the idiot box all night long. So these programmes are coming just at the right time, eh? ;) Couch potatos of the world unite!

Oh yeah I just added a new fella to my list of links. It's Bert, a funny friend of mine. For more than a few laughs and great music tips(he's a music geek) do check out his blog yah?


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