Confessions of a Movie Slut

in the year 2006, our heroine embarks on her most treacherous challenge yet-to lead a decent life despite the insanity and pressures that come with academia. she pursues honours in english though her thesis is on film. an opportunity to prove to herself that she can think. and actually think hard. will she finally transcend the ways of the fuckwit to become a competent person? will she be able to watch all those movies without growing a tumour or becoming catatonic? stay tuned.

Monday, July 15, 2002

It's good to be home eventhough I'm missing Brisbane already. =p hehe. Had a day's break yesterday after the long flight home on Saturday and I guess I'm pretty much ready to settle into my regular Singapore schedule, i.e watching movies and wasting my time. heh. It's only been a little over a week that I've gone and I noticed a couple of changes. Macdonalds introducing the chicken big mac? And Eileen just told me today that they're having a MacSpaghetti or something. And KFC revamped its whole menu?? Suddenly, I feel I'm not in Kansas anymore. Yeah I know Singapore isn't Kansas. I was just quoting that famous line from The Wizard Of Oz, y'know the part when Dorothy was blown to the land of Oz and...well..nevermind. All that happened while I was Luckily I didn't come back to Eileen with tatoos and a nose ring. =p

I had an amazing trip to Aus btw. The people over there are very friendly and the weather's great. You hardly sweat over there and the air's breezy, light and cool. The environment's pretty good too. A lot of greens and I mainly travelled around the suburbs and the rural areas since my hotel was quite out into the country. Though quite occassionally we drove out to the city, surfer's paradise and the goldcoast. I didn't manage to catch Minority Report there as planned which was a shame but I did manage to watch MIB 2 at a cinema in harbour town and caught The Rookie on the in-flight movie.

This morn I watched Bend It Like Beckham on my own. Kinda like some quality time with the person I love the most, i.e ME. haha. Seriously, I do enjoy watching films by myself on a regular basis. I guess sometimes we all need the personal space as much as we love and appreciate the great company of family and friends. I'm very sure other people do other things on their own. An internet friend had once told me that's kinda sad and it made me look like I had no friends. *shrug* I didn't care much for his opinions because he's sorely mistaken. After the movie, I met up with my bestie Eileen! My grrl!! haha. We had lunch and watched Y Tu Mama Tambien which was a pretty hilarious movie. It had great reception in the US as well as Mexico, its country of origins, albeit a more controversial one also. Very raunchy stuff(but these days it shouldn't be as shocking). It takes quite a light hearted look into teenage sexuality and mature sexual liberation. But ultimately it's about the search for truth and understanding one's place in life and existence. Although the two male lead characters annoy me sometimes with their obssession to want to lay and get laid. Oh well. I like Bend It Like Beckham too. I especially related with the Jess, the Indian brit who loves and just wants to play football to the dismay of her traditional parents. Man, do I know what it's like to have over-protective and quite overbearing parents who sometimes make it so difficult to live your life the way you choose it to be. But the film shows that with mutual understanding from both parties, a lot of compromise and responsibility, things can work out quite nicely for everyone. It's really funny too. I love Indian/Pakistani/Brit humour having watched East is East and the comedy series Goodness Gracious Me on the telly. So if you like English movies with a bit of Asian spice, def go catch Bend It Like Beckham. And stay back for a while during the credits, they got some really hilarious footage.


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