Confessions of a Movie Slut

in the year 2006, our heroine embarks on her most treacherous challenge yet-to lead a decent life despite the insanity and pressures that come with academia. she pursues honours in english though her thesis is on film. an opportunity to prove to herself that she can think. and actually think hard. will she finally transcend the ways of the fuckwit to become a competent person? will she be able to watch all those movies without growing a tumour or becoming catatonic? stay tuned.

Saturday, November 23, 2002

Thursday Night's Movie Magic.

The German Film Festival started last Thursday night and I almost gave the whole affair a miss just because I felt disgruntled about missing the screening for Das Experiment tomorrow evening when I also gotta go catch Singin' In The Rain at the Esplanade. But I decided to quit pouting and just watch the other movie that caught my interest, Nowhere In Africa. It was a pleasant evening. I had expected to just catch a movie as usual but since it was also the opening movie for the festival, it was attended by some VIPs from the Norweigian and German embassies. There was also a short speech made by the president of the Goethe Institute which organised the fest. Call me crazy but I was pleased by it. I felt so well received. Haha.

I love Nowhere In Africa. I can't believe I almost missed this movie. I love the philosophy of the film and I respect the way Caroline Link(the director) approaches the various issues dealt with in the movie. The actors were fantastic. Set mostly on the scorching planes of Kenya, Nowhere In Africa chronicles the life of a Jewish family who fled from their home in Germany which was on the brink of WW2. A mother, Jettle Redlich, and her young daughter, Regina, joined the father, Walter on a remote farm in Kenya. There, they met Owuor, a local who also worked on the farm as a cook. From the moment Regina met this affectionate and kind man, she took an instant liking to him and Owuor(fantastic performance by Sidede Onyulo) became like a father figure for her. A man who opened her eyes to his language, culture and sense of philosophy. The characters were well developed and the audience watched as Jettle undewent a metamorphosis from a privilleged, spoilt European home maker to a tough, resourceful woman fighting for survival. Regina too found awe and wonder in the lively but harsh environment, warming up to the people and their way of life with childlike ease. What impressed me a lot was how the very German performers learnt and spoke Swahili. The dynamics between the actors were amazing. I was awestruck as I watched the characters interact with one another during the story. Although worlds apart, they managed to connect on a unique plane, sharing jokes, thoughts and even emotions.

Nowhere In Africa also reveals the tragedy of the Jewish people. Not only were they persecuted by their own country and their fellow Germans(Nazis), they find that they're also treated exclusively(and this does not necessarily mean a good thing) by the allies. Africa was colonized by the English and Walter was arrested on suspicion and Regina expressed her confusion on why he was taken to prison. They were German but they were were also Jews, the enemies of the Nazis. Shouldn't the English consider them as allies then? Another instance which highlighted how unfairly they were treated was when Regina was sent to an English elementary school in Africa. While the mainly Christian English students prayed, the Jews were made to go and gather at the side of the hall, away from the others. Hence the pun of the title Nowhere In Africa. They did inhabit the most remote, rural parts of the country, hence they reside in the middle of Nowhere. And also being German Jews, they seem not to be able to belong to any kind of society, being singled out and shunned by both sides. They belong Nowhere. Except for the civillisation of the Africans whom accept them despite differences. It shows an instance of how humanity can transcend race, religion and nationality.

This movie will be screened again this Sunday at Shaw Prince(Beach Road) at 5pm I think. This is a fantastic movie and one of the best I've seen so far this year. I really recommend it. And no need to pout anymore...since I managed to catch a good film from the fest after all.....and also I found out from a friend recently that Das Experiment will have a regular run at local cinemas soon. =) heh.


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