Confessions of a Movie Slut

in the year 2006, our heroine embarks on her most treacherous challenge yet-to lead a decent life despite the insanity and pressures that come with academia. she pursues honours in english though her thesis is on film. an opportunity to prove to herself that she can think. and actually think hard. will she finally transcend the ways of the fuckwit to become a competent person? will she be able to watch all those movies without growing a tumour or becoming catatonic? stay tuned.

Tuesday, January 28, 2003

Fate loves a see-saw...(Either that or God loves a prank or 2)

Yesterday was quite an emotional roller coaster ride for me. Basically for the last 2 weeks, I've been looking fervently for apartments or units for rent online to jump start my house hunting research before I arrive at Perth. It's very difficult to find one that really fits my criteria. And it's been quite a sensitive topic for me considering how worried it's made my mum and I and it upsets her sometimes as well. Discussions have often escalated to near heated arguments about what we should do about the matter of accomadation. Also I was suspicious about why I haven't received an invitation to the UWA pre-departure seminar for Singaporean students while I've already received those from the other unis I applied to, ANU and UQ. So I called WAEO to ask them if UWA was really having a pre-departure sem and to my horror, I was informed that it was held last Sunday on the 26th! I was so upset and pissed off because I really did want to attend. And I had wanted so very much to talk to the representatives from the uni to have some of my pressing questions answered. It felt like everything was going wrong and I was near breaking point.

Then I decided to check my e-mail. I couldn't believe what I found...there was an e-mail offering me a place at St. Catherine's college! I got a home! As soon as I read the first sentence offering me a place, I jumped off my seat and ran to my sis's room and blurted the very good news. We were jumping and shouting in euphoria. This has solved quite a big portion of my anxieties. It just proves to me that more often than not, when things seem to hit rock bottom, there'll be a step to bring you right up again.

I read Life's article today about the Oscar contenders. Honestly, they were easy picks since they were the big winners and nominations from The Golden Globe Awards which were often said to be the Pre-Oscars. I also found out that The Pianist will be screened here on 12th Feb, before I fly off to Perth!! Yay!! I agree with what the article had to say in that I've also noticed that distributors pretty much use the Oscars and other award shows as a marketing tool for these films. That's fine and dandy but I hope that distributors and viewers would go beyond what's nominated and what's not. The Academy does often leave out stuff that're just as good or even greater. I really hope to see Philip Seymour Hoffman nominated for Love Liza. He's such a great and underrated actor. To me, he's practically stolen the scenes he was involved with in most of the movies I've seen him in. I was also surprised that Jennifer Aniston was not nominated in the Golden Globes for The Good Girl. She did a great job. She was melancholic and hateful but didn't disolve to being melodramatic or hysterical. She was subtle. So I hope the Oscars also honours those that don't seem to loom and occupy such huge spaces in the psyche of media attention. We just gotta wait and see I guess...

For the uninitiated:
UWA=University of Western Australia
ANU=Australian National University
UQ=University of Queensland
WAEO=Western Auatralia Education Office
I was inspired by Ben... =)

Trailer Utopia!!!
The Super Bowl's going on in the US which means high profile and highly anticipated blockbusters and some smaller but uber cool movies are being showcased with amazing spots on TV...something very worthy to check out if you can spare the time...

The Matrix: Reloded- The Jap trailer I found some time back doesn't even come close to what they've been showing the Americanos!! Go watch it now! Don't think twice! Don't even consider it later! Go now please! I beg ya! This trailer is too bloody good to skip!

Hulk- Yay! Jennifer Connelly! Yay! Nick Nolte! Yay! Ang Lee!..I've yet to be convinced about Eric Bana...maybe I need to catch Chopper. The narrative aspect of the trailer is reminiscent of Spider-man though.

Bruce Almighty- What if you're bestowed the power of God? And what if this important responsibility is given to...Jim Carey?*gulp* Prefer the original trailer though...

Kill Bill- Ok, ok so I cheated...this movie was not given a spot on Super Bowl. But it doesn't lack in the cool factor also. Honestly, I'm not a big fan of Quentin Tarantino but this is very interesting considering it's his latest directorial effort after 4 years. Also it has a heavy duty ensemble cast of Uma Thurman, Lucy Liu, Daryl Hannah, Michael Madsen, Vivica A. Fox and Samuel L Jackson. About a female assassin who was attacked on her wedding by her own husband and group leader(named Bill of course) who wakes up from a coma to seek revenge. Now how cool is that premise...


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