Confessions of a Movie Slut

in the year 2006, our heroine embarks on her most treacherous challenge yet-to lead a decent life despite the insanity and pressures that come with academia. she pursues honours in english though her thesis is on film. an opportunity to prove to herself that she can think. and actually think hard. will she finally transcend the ways of the fuckwit to become a competent person? will she be able to watch all those movies without growing a tumour or becoming catatonic? stay tuned.

Monday, January 06, 2003

Some folks need to be potty-trained.


This has been one of my biggest pet peeves for a long time now. Ok, the term pet peeve may be a severe understatement. Sounds like something has ridden up my leg and got my panties into a hard knot doesn't it? It really pisses me off when folks...well...can't take a piss the right way. I'm not sure what the toilet etiqutte is like in the little boys' room but in the ladies'(well a considerable number of them anyway), it's like a stink bomb has gone off and left an apocalyptic mess of pee, poo and sometimes soiled tissue and pads in its pungent wake. In the name of what's fair in this world, maybe the cleaners haven't been doing such a great job but I also believe it is part of the whole cleanliness deal for the users to wash up and clean up after themselves as well should they accidentaly make a mess.

Today I went to East Point to accompany my sister who's sending off her 2-year old to pre-school for the first time. I had to take a leak so I braved one of the bathrooms there. I wasn't in such a perky mood to begin with since I needed to pee really badly and the current users within the cubicles were surely taking their time. Finally when one emerged, I had to stop myself from sprinting inside with the intensity of my pressing bladder and lo and behold, a lovely sight greeted me. there's pee on the floor, on the seat of the toilet, there's wee wee practically everywhere except for inside of the bowl itself. Ok, for guys I undertstand they gotta aim and might miss(but i still enforce that all should clean up after themselves after making a mess). But for us women, all we gotta do is just sit on the pottie and let go. And this method has been tested, folks...if we do it that way, we'll surely score and hit the bull's eye WITHIN the toilet bowl. But no, I had to wipe and clean the piss up with toilet paper(which is gross! cuz it's secreted waste from another person) and line the soiled seat with toilet paper before i can settle down and continue with my business. That's 5 minutes of my time and five stars out of five in the gross factor. I disposed of all tissue and flushed. One more thing, flushing is a virtue and a kindness the next user is sooo gonna be grateful for. Walked out, practically scrubbed the skin off my hands and left.

Before anyone second guesses and derives the same ol' belief that Singaporeans mainly pass the time by complaining, I think there are many issues worthy enough to be ranted and toilet etiquette is definitely one of them. The rest room is a universal place where everybody goes when nature calls so why not take good care of it? During my vacation in Brisbane, I was so pleasantly surprised. Their toilets are so clean. Even those that were in the down town areas were clean...there was graffiti but they were free of human excrement. If things continue to go on like this..we've got a lot to catch up on to get reasonably clean toilets here.


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