Confessions of a Movie Slut

in the year 2006, our heroine embarks on her most treacherous challenge yet-to lead a decent life despite the insanity and pressures that come with academia. she pursues honours in english though her thesis is on film. an opportunity to prove to herself that she can think. and actually think hard. will she finally transcend the ways of the fuckwit to become a competent person? will she be able to watch all those movies without growing a tumour or becoming catatonic? stay tuned.

Friday, January 24, 2003

Of new things and nostalgia...

I've begun to shop for the assorted things I would be needing for my stay at Perth. New clothes, 2 new pairs of track shoes(I've a distinct feeling I'll be wearing trakkies everyday), laundry stand and bag, clothe hangs, stationery, bed sheets/quilt cover/quilt and the like. Still haven't started packing... I know I know, I'll get down to it soon I promise. =p I love buying new things in preparation for school. There's this air of anticipation, how all these things can be used to get organised. To be enjoyed in all its glorious purpose.

I've also started looking at some apartment units for rent online should I not get a place at St Catherine's College. I've come across some that come close to what I'm looking for(i.e close to school, one bedroom-bathroom, etc) but not perfectly fit the criteria though. When push comes to shove, there're times we can't afford to be choosy. There's quite a nice place at this block of apartments known as The Pines @ Nedlands. Great thing is that it's only a street away from UWA but I'm ruling it out because it comes with a garden(I don't have time nor do I want the responsibility) and it's not fully furnished. There's this other place which sounds promising. It's a little further away, about 0.7km, but it's one-bedroom-one-bathroom and it's fully furnished and in good condition. But of course I haven't come to a final decision about anything. These are just some to look at. I will have to do more house hunting when I get there and also, I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for a room at St Cat's.

I took a blood test yesterday. Finally stopped procrastinating about the Hep A and B jabs and decided to go through with it. Been busy going out, buying stuff and hanging out with friends so much so that my movie watching's neglected. I need to get back to it, man! =) I found a relatively new clip for The Matrix: Reloaded whilst doing my frequent mandatory movie news surf. It's a teaser for Japan. Looks like the folks at Warner are upping the chips in a major Asian market. Rumour has it that it'll be the same clip to be aired in the US during Super Bowl...sans the Japanese dialogue at the end of course. =p Do check it out, it's pretty cool.

I've been downloading a lot of songs from the '80s lately. Much more so than usual. And been putting all the retro mp3s I got from before on my player. All the Belinda Carlisle, Paul McCartney, Michael Jackson, Tears For Fears and Toto! It's a sign, man. A sign that I'm getting and feeling old. =p Enjoy your weekend....

they've got Monica Bellucci, an international class act, in it as Persephone. How do the Wachowskis do it?? =)


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