Confessions of a Movie Slut

in the year 2006, our heroine embarks on her most treacherous challenge yet-to lead a decent life despite the insanity and pressures that come with academia. she pursues honours in english though her thesis is on film. an opportunity to prove to herself that she can think. and actually think hard. will she finally transcend the ways of the fuckwit to become a competent person? will she be able to watch all those movies without growing a tumour or becoming catatonic? stay tuned.

Tuesday, December 24, 2002

X'Mas Cheers!

Now just cuz I'm muslim that doesn't mean I can't join in the fun! ;) I just had X'mas dinner just now at Jo's place with her, her mum and Ady. She prepared this big fat chicken, roasted with some cold pasta and fruit salad. She's a fantastic cook! Thanks Jo! =) Ady gave me a pair of Stich fuzzy slippers!!! To keep my feet warm while I'm in Ausland... =) Jo gave me one of my most fav choc bars from Marks and Spencers which can be a little hard to get. And we played this game on her pc, Jake The Jedi Pimp Master which my kooky friend, Lou once told me about and it sounded interesting so we decided to give it a shot. I tell ya guys, this online game is damned farney!! We were totally laughing our behinds off. We are supposed to be Jake, this horny asshole who's main...and only objective is to get laid! There are many different scenarios and if we manage to seduce a chick, we score(sorry for the bad pun =p) and we win the game. Haha, I recommend that you check it out for some sleazy fun.

Last night, I went for that special LOTR:The Two Towers screening I mentioned about sometime ago. It actually turned out to be the Royal Selangor Two Towers party. With the sequel, they've got some new models of LOTR goblets and yesterday's affair was the launching party. There were people having drinks and food at the veranda next to the GV Grand theatre and it was interesting to see my dad catch up with old friends and we bumped into familiar faces(old buddies of my dad's that is). It's my second time watching The Two Towers and I must gets even better with that next viewing! =) It's an amazing film, I'm so glad this next installment went beyond the achievements of the last movie. Have fun this Christmas! Take care, till the next insanity....
I'll leave you with some pretty nifty trailers...
Bad Boys 2- I'm not really a fan of the first one but this trailer's really funny and I like the dynamics between Will Smith and Martin Lawrence. They've got chemistry! =)
The Pianist- I've been looking forward to this Roman Polanski film for ages now and it still hasn't shown any sign of getting here! *wails* Was the winner for the Palm D'or at this year's Cannes film fest some months back and it's been nominated recently for Best Film at the 2003 Golden Globe Awards. Isn't that cue enough for distributors here to get it?? It's precious commodity!! =) About a Jewish German pianist who escapes deportation by living within the ruins of the Warsaw Ghetto during WW2. Great trailer.


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