Confessions of a Movie Slut

in the year 2006, our heroine embarks on her most treacherous challenge yet-to lead a decent life despite the insanity and pressures that come with academia. she pursues honours in english though her thesis is on film. an opportunity to prove to herself that she can think. and actually think hard. will she finally transcend the ways of the fuckwit to become a competent person? will she be able to watch all those movies without growing a tumour or becoming catatonic? stay tuned.

Monday, December 02, 2002

Stay-In Monday.

I'd just like to know from fellow users of, are you guys experiencing difficulty with the archives section? I've been trying to republish the various months but I keep on getting an error and a message that blogger's in the midst of working on it. Anyhoo, it's a stay-in for me today considering I've been out all weekend and will be out again for the next 2 days. I actually baked this morning the minute I got up. I figured it's the latest day I got till before Hari Raya this Friday and I'm gonna be occupied for the next few days anyway. Oatmel Chocolate Chip cookies, my speciality...and the only thing I know how to bake. =p muahaha. Tried to read Goblet of Fire today but got very distracted by my new Compaq Presario 1508AP notebook!!! =p Needed to explore it a bit more, checking out the media functions and I also watched Read My Lips on it which I bought on dvd from Tower Records @ Suntec yesterday. I felt like kicking myself cuz I promised not to spend more dough since I've splurged more than 73 bucks in the last month on books and magazines. But I've been waiting for Read My Lips for close to 6 months and I guess I went a little crazy when I spotted the Celebrating French Cinema dvd series which I heard about. As soon as I get my Dec allowance, I'm gonna head down to a dvd retail and get me a few more titles. =p And I almost bought this novel I had wanted to read some time back but never gotten around to getting it, Tawni O' Dell's Back Roads. I came close to buying it cuz it was on sale and priced at only 5 bucks!!! Was really. really, really tempted but I thought about the scores of books I already have at home to finish up and I resolved to just walk away. I was so proud of myself! Eileen was with me and I withstood her taunts to try and influence me to spend more money! =p Better luck next time Eileen! muahahaha....
today, shamelessly plugging...

White Oleander- Jo had actually leant me the novel some years back but I took such a long time reading it that she asked for it back first to lend another person who wants to urgently read it. Teehee. The trailer's really fascinating and promises a successful adaptation. Not to mention, I luv Michelle Pfeiffer!
Final Destination 2- I really, really like Final Destination! It wasn't the xeroxed horror, teeny-boppy movie that was mass produced like bad records. It really was something off-beat and very well done. I hope this one will be just as good or even better but I know better than to hope too much. =p


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