Confessions of a Movie Slut

in the year 2006, our heroine embarks on her most treacherous challenge yet-to lead a decent life despite the insanity and pressures that come with academia. she pursues honours in english though her thesis is on film. an opportunity to prove to herself that she can think. and actually think hard. will she finally transcend the ways of the fuckwit to become a competent person? will she be able to watch all those movies without growing a tumour or becoming catatonic? stay tuned.

Monday, December 09, 2002

The Weeks Go By Like Minutes.

Time seems to lapse faster now that I have to grudgingly leave Singapore soon to pursue my degree studies...

Haven't been going out much lately since Hari Raya weekend just passed and been occupied lately what with the celebration and my sis and her family making their nest here. My two nieces; Edriana, 5 and Sabrina, 2 being more than a handful, make everyday eventful as well. =p I haven't even been to the movies in a while, the last one being Treasure Planet about a week ago. Gotta wait to watch Die Another Day since my parents are the true Bond junkies. I had such a traumatizing experience today. My aunt(from my mum's side of the family) came to visit today for Hari Raya respects. She comes about once a year and that's probably how much I see her. And it's not like I talk to her...much if not at all. She came with her two teenaged kids, my cousins whom I've been close to when I was a child but not anymore. I can hardly remember the last time I communicated with them. The thing is my mum and my grandma has a lot of tension in their relationship, my mum still keeps in contact with her but I choose not to a long time ago because she did my family a lot of wrong and I refuse to consort with that kind of a person...or that person she used to be at least. So consequently I lost contact with my aunt and her family since they live and are close to my grandma. Anyway, they live in Tampines and today I had to meet Ady and Louanna at Tampines Mall. It just so happened that I was about to leave the house the same time they need to go home and so my aunt suggested she give me a lift to my destination. I had to meet my friends at 4:45 and she offered the lift at 4:05 and I politely declined saying that I would be early if I were to accept the lift then. Then she did the worst possible thing...

She said she and her family can wait till 4:30 so that I get to meet up with my friends in time with the lift she insisted on me. My mum heartily agrees like it was the most natural thing to throw her daughter into a tight space with a group of the people she hardly knows and doesn't even feel comfortable starting a conversation with. I whispered harshly under my breadth how I was totally against the idea and my mum was staunch with her decision, saying how it wasn't nice to say no to relatives and how if I refused to get a ride, they'd think I wannabe posh or something. So grudgingly and horridly I waited till 4:30 and we left the house, the awkward 5 of us including me of course. The car ride was torture. I appreciate that my aunt is nice enough to want to give me a lift but seriously, the interior of the car was filled to the brim with a suffocating silence, thick enough to play whacko with! My aunt attempted to make small talk with me but I can only offer answers with few, strained words. It's not that I didn't want to was the fact that I couldn't think of anything to say...I felt that disoriented. Not even a nervous joke or a little comment. I thank my aunt for trying her very best. I know for a fact that if I hadn't been in that vehicle, they would be talking amongst one another...but I was the conversation killer that put a stake in the heart of familiar comfort! It was all about me and unfortunately so in this case! The silence, the discomfort, the awkwardness, the whole mad universe of that car tuned themselves around me. Totally my fault for a bad car ride. Anyway, I was so grateful when we reached my destination. I "salaamed" my aunt, said my thanks and almost bounded out of the vehicle. I waved goodbye and totally high-tailed outta there! It was awkward to say the least and I so totally hope I won't haveta go thru that ordeal again. If I wanna mend relationships with people, I'd rather start small and slow and not jump into the nearest car with them.


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