Confessions of a Movie Slut

in the year 2006, our heroine embarks on her most treacherous challenge yet-to lead a decent life despite the insanity and pressures that come with academia. she pursues honours in english though her thesis is on film. an opportunity to prove to herself that she can think. and actually think hard. will she finally transcend the ways of the fuckwit to become a competent person? will she be able to watch all those movies without growing a tumour or becoming catatonic? stay tuned.

Thursday, December 12, 2002

Those Zany Koreans.

Went to catch Volcano High this morning cuz I've been hearing loads of good things about it for a while now. Movie geeks in the West swear by it and a cult following has started there as well. So decided to check it out. Koreans do have a sense of humour as proven by their other movies but more often than not, there's a tendency to get really corny and that pretty much sums up the effect of Volcano High. Zany but corny. I managed a couple of laughs and the characters can get endearingly funny but the screwball jokes saturate the senses...and mine dwindled a little after some time. Interestingly enough, Volcano High is a Korean high school set in the near future where most of the student body are strong, powered wuxia experts who battle one another and the teachers to obtain a sacred document known as The Manuscript. With this, a person is given the ultimate power to bring peace among them but of course there're the bad eggs who insist on spoiling this ideal and want to gain the power for their own evil ambition. Not a bad way to spend my morning really...but it's not going to be one of my fav movies.

With Volcano High, I caught the trailer to Dreamworks' remake of The Ring...which was the first teaser that didn't really do the film's concept justice. But I wasn't pleased when I first read that Dreamworks was a planning a remake. I'm a firm believer of leaving good older films on its own and not tempering with it anymore. But I'm watching it for Naomi Watts anyway! =p And I caught the trailer to another Japanese horror film, Uzumaki. I saw the poster about a few weeks ago and it totally caught my eye. It was weird and scary, like a visionary mixture from Tim Burton and Hideo Nakata. Anyway, the trailer is just like that...strange and a dark version of Alice In Wonderland. I think the Japanese film makers really know their horror...Ringu was well made and I did like Dark Water and there's another trailer I caught from a creepy Jap film called Ju-On. Hope they get here before I leave for Perth. Think it might be harder for me to gain access to Asian films when I'm there. *grumble*

LOTR:TTT opens officially next week!!! Wooohoooooo!

Went to Ikea with my mum, my sis and her family today. I met up with them there after my movie. Really crowded even though it's a Thursday. Running low on dough. I've been spending quite a bit on my sis and my nieces lately. Been treating them. It's strange to realize how much I really miss them only now when they've returned. I spend a lot of my time hanging out with them and I do it everyday, just being around them. Funny how I didn't feel this way even while they were in Brisbane. Heh. The human psyche...or maybe it's just me. =p Till the next madness....


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