Confessions of a Movie Slut

in the year 2006, our heroine embarks on her most treacherous challenge yet-to lead a decent life despite the insanity and pressures that come with academia. she pursues honours in english though her thesis is on film. an opportunity to prove to herself that she can think. and actually think hard. will she finally transcend the ways of the fuckwit to become a competent person? will she be able to watch all those movies without growing a tumour or becoming catatonic? stay tuned.

Tuesday, December 17, 2002

Family and friend.

Been out with my family a lot lately. Last Sunday I finally caught Die Another Day with my parents in the morning. We got Lido 7 which was the cinema I didn't quite like. Don't really fancy Lidos 5,6 and 7. The audience sit near the ground and the screen's like up in the air and we gotta crane our necks. That's why I don't really fancy Bugis theatres either. Anyway, believe it or not but that screening of Die Another Day we attended was my mum's first movie outing in 9 years! She prefers watching movies at home where she can indulge in the comforts of home at the same time. Anyway, it was really worthy bringing my mum along. One of the things I love about her is that she's very empathic and kind. We watched the trailer for a new Wes Craven horror film called They and the scene of a child being haunted by some monsters opened the sequence, my mum whispered softly enough for me and my dad to hear but not others and she kept pitying the little kid and telling me how scared she was of horror movies and how she didn't want to watch it. During the movie, she totally participated. She laughed at all the jokes no matter how corny they are and was so indignent whenever the baddie got his way and she commented whenever she was excited. She did it all discreetly though, communicating with me and my dad only. She was just like a young girl having fun in the cinema and it totally entertained me. I'm aware that taking during a movie is not cinema etiquette but it's so cool to see my mum having fun since she likes James Bond and Brosnan's her fav 007. I normally wouldn't like anyone talking during a movie but I make exceptions for my lovely mummy. =p

Die Another Day...what can I say...hey it ryhmes! =p It's still a huge cliche and stereotypical(read: Sexist!!!). The movie is like a script of corny one liners. But I guess I like the gadgets enough and I do fancy John Cleese and Dame Judi Dench. Halle Berry kicks ass. So at least it wasn't totally a lost cause. Oh..and I like the opening sequence with Madonna grooving the movie's theme. Pretty cool. We then had lunch at Tanglin Club which was nearby. Had seafood linguini in herb tomato sauce. Yumz! But it was a cold rainy morning, so my nose was terribly blocked and I couldn't taste a single thing. Bleah! =p

Yesterday I went to town with my lovely friend, Jo cuz she feels like shopping!!! We totally walked the whole of orchard...well almost...well, the spots that really matter anyway. =p She was the one who was supposed to get stuff and she did..and so did I. Arrggh! Now I'm officially broke... but it was a nice top that I got. hehe. I went out with my family again today sans my dad who was working. We went to Ikea in the morn again and then headed to The American Club where we had a really, really huge lunch. Still full from just now so I'm skipping dinner. I had the club burger which was called the empire state burger, with some nachos which we shared and a strawberry milkshake. Talk about pigging out yah... Was supposed to get some waffles from the Gelare cafe near my home just now also...but too full lah..and it started raining anyway. =)

I'm gonna catch the earlier screening of LOTR:The Two Towers tomorrow evening!! Woohooooo!!! Shaping up to be quite a nice week. Hope you all are doing good as well. Till the next insanity...


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